สมาคมพลังงานหมุนเวียนไทย (อาร์อี 100) Thai Renewable energy (RE100) association


Find benefits, information and many business opportunities.


Business opportunities in trading

Business opportunities in trading of renewable energy, Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) and all type of carbon credit.

Gain opportunities to publicize your business

Gain opportunities to publicize your business through various communication channels such as websites, Line and Facebook.

Receive academic journals

Receive academic journals regarding energy in E-book format.

Receive nominations for representative

Receive nominations for representatives to attend meetings with the government.

Receive up-to-date information

Receive up-to-date information on government policies, economics and laws relating to renewable energy.

The right to present complaints

The right to present complaints, problems and obstacles arising from the energy industry.

The Privilege to attend activities

The Privilege to attend activities of the organization such as training, seminars, workshops and study tours, domestic and international.

The opportunity to build a business network

The opportunity to build a business network and receive expert consulting on energy.

How to register


Download Registration form


Fill out the form

Print registration form and fill out.

Stamped and singed

Registration form must be signed and stamped.

Send Registration form

Send registration form to register@re100th.org. Waiting for confirmation.

Payment information

  • For members that have already registered, Please pay the registration fee of 5,350 Baht (5,000 Baht + VAT 7%) and the membership fee 2,140 Baht (2,000 Baht + VAT 7%) ** Membership fee waivers in the year of registration applied*
  • Please send your payment to
  • Bangkok Bank On Nut Branch, Soi 16
  • Account no. 244-059857-7
  • Account name : สมาคมพลังงานหมุนเวียนไทย(อาร์อี100)
  • Please provide proof of payment to, or request further enquiries at
  • Saranya : 084-9786361 Email: admin@re100th.org