สมาคมพลังงานหมุนเวียนไทย (อาร์อี 100) Thai Renewable energy (RE100) association


To Propose policies to the government

To propose policies to the government and drive the Thai industry towards 100% usage of renewable energy (RE100)

Achieving Thailand’s greenhouse gas reduction target

To make RE100 an important tool for achieving Thailand’s greenhouse gas reduction target (Thailand’s Carbon Net Zero) and achieve Paris Agreement goals to keep the global average surface temperature from rising above 1.5 degrees celsius by the end of the 21st Century.

To Enable transition into new industries

To enable transition into new industries, new S-curve by using clean energy to create new investment sources in ASEAN and graduate from the middle-income country group.

To Enhance the capability of the industry

To enhance the capability of the industry and to increase the competitiveness of Thailand towards sustainability by focusing on creating balance between the economy, society, environment, and human intelligence.